During the seasonal holidays, prisons seem to have extra weight in the air. Prisoncrats usually allow holiday meals or in a few places food gifts. We have 5 places we will be funding cater services. Find out how you can help in your area — example: mailing out cards or notes. Other ways, find indigent prisoners you can order package food for, [Be sure to tell these same prisoners to share]. You could even buy their children gifts. Many would prefer this over everything else.

Any questions or suggestions, message us.

Thank you to all that continue to do for us from the heart.

JLS holiday plans of action is as follows:


1. Will receive general holiday letters of encouragement

2. Prisoners will receive letters from sponsors requesting the contact addresses for the responsible guardian and the number of children.

***How you can get involved as a sponsor:

1. Write letters or cards as an individual or organization

2. Sponsor a prisoners child. We recommend $50.00 spending per child

3. Sponsor a prisoner. Send $25 for commissary food

4. Donate to the tax deductible JLS fundraiser. We in turn will be using the funds to cover costs for holiday parties at five targeted prison units and help order food packages. We hope to raise $2,500 for this purpose.

If you want to be a sponsor, email us your contact info at:



Contributions towards Jailhouse Lawyers Speak organizing efforts can be made here. Every dollar counts. Thank you for your continued support
